Extra Virgin Oliver Oil, Wood , Extra Virgin Mustard Oil.
Skin soothing, Anti itching, Anti inflammatory, Anti pimples, Breast firmer, Anti breast cancer, Anti soreness, Gum toner mouth ulcer, Muscle toner, Anti sagging, Skin tighter.
Rose Oliva is a very good in soothing skin irritation, inflammation and can even stop a new pimple form developing. Dad a little Rose Oliva on pimple going to develop on face, just feel no pain and pimple never develop any more.
Rose Oliva can make breast firm and if applied regularly can even prevent breast cancer. Rose Oliva is the best use against soreness in any area of breast, it is best to apply Rose Oliva as many tine as you can,
Rose Oliva can easily penetrate into your skin. Rose Oliva is also best to heal any soreness and inflammation to your private area. Remember to clean it first before applying Rose Olive. Mouth infaction and gum inflammation. Just gargle or take one tablespoon of Rose Oliva and make it spread through you whole mouth. Rose Oliva is a very good gum toner and contains powerful anti-oxidant that can help retain the beauty of your skin, help heal skin diseases and make your skin tighter and firm. Rose Oliva is best applied in the areas like tummy and buttocks since it is prone to sagging and losing its elasticity.
Uses For skin:
Apply directly to affected area twice a day, remember to wash skin before use.
Uses For breast:
For breast firming apply twice a day and the regular use can even prevent cancer of the breast. For soreness of breast it is best to apply Rose Oliva as many times as you can.
Use for mouth:
For mouth infection and gum inflammation, just gargle or take tablespoon of Rose Oliva and make it spread through whole of your mouth twice a day, specially at bed time.
Use For muscles:
Apply twice a day in the area like the tummy and buttocks since it is prone to sagging and losing its elasticity. Rose Oliva is also best to heal any soreness and inflammation to private area. Remember to clean it first before applying.
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